EEOICPA Benefits

EEOICPA Benefits

Congress enacted the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act In 2002 to compensate workers who contracted life threatening illnesses and other chronic health related diagnosis. We are proud to say we also service clients under this plan with no co-pays or deductibles. Not sure if you qualify? Give us a call and allow one of our Highly trained Case Managers provide a one-on-one free in-home evaluation at no cost to you. Your questions will be answered, and paperwork kept private. Any paperwork needed will be filed correctly, and forward to appropriate Individual with your signed permission. Unique Styles Home Care Believes in your Choice, your Care.

Benefits: (at no cost)

• Home Care services | • Home modifications | • Doctor visits and copays | • Durable Medical equipment | • Medical alert Systems
• Automobile modification | • Prescription drugs (covered Diagnosis) | • Special equipment prescribed by your physician

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